15 May 2017

Monday Musings: Create A Life You Love

Build a life you love. Create a life you love. Live a life you love. Don't know who said those lines. But they mean and convey something very important yet something very simple. 

How often we have felt pressurized in our lives to do something we don't wish to. I am sure many of us have gone through that phase when our parents wanted us to do something, become something, we didn't want to. We may have chosen the careers our parents showed us - termed as a respectable profession, then we choose an ideal life partner our parents choose for us, and then we need to do things as per our in-laws' or our life partner's directions and lead the life they want to us to lead. In the entire process, we as individuals are lost somewhere. Whether a girl or a boy, we are brought up in a society that makes us believe that we should listen to our elders and that they can never be wrong. 

By this, I don't say that we should not obey them or we should not heed their advice but we should know what to chose and what will make us happy. After all, it's our life and we need to make our own choices. Some things in life, are meant to be under your control and not controlled by other people's whims and wishes. 

Create a Life you Love

I have been reading a lot of motivating articles and writings that inspired me to write this post today.

I was actually curious to find out what life experts have to say on this topic. Bonded by the society and complications of life, how then do we create a life we love? I read a few of them, and all convey the same message: meditation, self-realization, listing down goals, setting your goals, do small things or acts that make you happy and ultimately don't forget the values in life.

Well, what I understand is that we all have a life that we can't change. We are responsible parents, responsible members of the society, and so on... but we still have the choices. You can't disassociate yourself from the roles and responsibilities in your life, but you can still make yourself happy by doing things you like to do. Have the courage, have faith in yourself and don't give up on your dreams. It is your willingness and right intentions that can help you create a life you love.

Thank you for reading this post. 

Have a great Monday. Have a good day.

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