4 Apr 2021

From my History of Architecture Notes - Baroque and Renaissance Architecture

The 17th Century could be called the first modern age. Human awareness was continuously expanding with many scientific discoveries of Galileo and Copernicus that accounted for astronomical accuracy in many paintings of the time. There was active trade and colonization policies of many European nations accounted for portrayals of exotic places and people. Religion determined many aspects of Baroque art and architecture. Also absolute monarchies of old France and Spain prompted the creation of works that reflected in their size and splendor of majesty of their kings - Louis XIV and Philip IV.

Baroque Architecture
Baroque Architecture

The Baroque buildings, with their undulating walls and decorative surface elements, imply motion with contrasts in light and color. Intense spirituality is present in works of Baroque art; in Roman Catholic countries, for examples scenes of ecstasies, martyrdom or miraculous apparitions are common. Infinite space is suggested in baroque paintings and sculptures. Realism is another integral feature of Baroque art.

These notes has highlights on two different Architectural style: Baroque and Renaissance Architecture

Page 01 Baroque Architecture
Page 01 Baroque Architecture

Page 02 Baroque Architecture
Page 02 Baroque Architecture

Page 03 Baroque Architecture
Page 03 Baroque Architecture

Page 04 Renaissance Architecture
Page 04 Renaissance Architecture

Page 05 Renaissance Architecture
Page 05 Renaissance Architecture

Page 06 Renaissance Architecture
Page 06 Renaissance Architecture

Hope you find the notes useful.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. Baroque Architecture is a highly opulent style of building, design, and art that originated in Italy during the 17th century and spread to.
