20 Mar 2020

Easy Origami Bookmarks for Kids

While we are stuck indoors due to this pandemic called Coronavirus, we practice social distancing and keep ourselves safe at home, how can we make our kids involved in more productive ways...that's the question of the hour.

So the answer is different for everyone...while some would like their kids to play indoors, we at home need to follow a disciplined life even during this time. Begin your day with exercise, follow a healthy routine even when you are at home.

For kids who are finding it difficult to find ways to keep themselves from boredom, here's an easy origami tutorial for all you kids to be occupied with some craft activity.

Here's a short picture tutorial for an origami bookmark. This tutorial was created by my daughter so all you need to do is just follow the steps, make something useful and make productive use of your time.

Origami Bookmark

Material required:

  • For origami: Square sheet of paper
  • For decoration: black marker, glue, white paper cutouts, glue


Step 01: 
Start by making a diagonal crease at the center as shown in the picture below.
Step 01: Make a diagonal crease
Step 02:
Fold along the diagonal crease to form a triangular shape.
Step 02: Fold along the diagonal crease

Step 03:
Take the tip of the triangle paper and fold it up to meet the other tip (it should form a perfect mini triangle)
Step 03: Fold the paper up to meet the top tip

Step 04:
Fold the other half of the paper just like the other side (when both sides are folded it should look like a square)
Step 04: Fold the other tip up 

Step 05:
Open the folds and make sure that when opened it looks like the picture given below.
Step 05: Open the folds

Step 06:
Take the top flap and fold it down as shown below
Step 06: Fold the tip down

Step 07:
Now, fold the two sides again following the crease made earlier.
Step 07: Fold sides up

Step 08:
Insert the two flaps one by one into the pocket made as shown below.
Step 08: Insert small triangle tip inside pocket

Step 09:
Fold the other small triangle tip into the pocket (when finished it should look like the picture given below).

Step 09: Fold the other triangle into the pocket

Step 10: 
And Done...
Now you can decorate the bookmark to look like a cute animal of your choice and add small paper features to it, or you can draw a pattern of your choice on it for decoration. 

And yes after the entire exercise don't forget to wash your hands clean from all the glue or pen marks you would have gathered on your hands.

I hope you also enjoy making this animal bookmark and keep yourself safe while we all fight the pandemic together.

Have a good day.

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