22 Jan 2017

3D Tessellation with Cubes - A Picture Tutorial

We all know what is Tessellation...in simple words, it is the repetition of a pattern so that there are no overlaps or gaps. If you like pencil shading and geometry, then this is one exercise you will love doing. And yes, it is a great way to combine Arts with Maths!

Here's a step by step picture tutorial showing how to make a simple 3D Tessellation pattern with cubes, using just a paper and a pencil.
3D Tessellation with Cubes

Things you need:
Paper, Pencil, Ruler, Eraser

Tutorial :

Step 01: 
Start by making a grid...in the example below, the grid is of 2cm x 2cm. Use a ruler and pencil to mark the sheet, starting from one edge to another in both horizontal and vertical direction. You can use a set square instead of a ruler or simply make the markings at 2cm intervals all along the horizontal and vertical lines starting from the left side of the paper.  Once the markings are made connect them with a 2H or HB pencil.
Step 01: Make an even grid all across the paper.
Step 02:
Make squares by joining the points of the grid as shown the figure below.
Make squares by joining the points on the grids
Step 03
Now, complete the shape of the cubes by connecting the vertices of the squares. Join the vertices only in the vertical direction as shown in the figure below.
Step 03: Join the vertices of the squares in vertical direction
Step 04:
Once the overall pattern with the cubes is complete, begin the pencil shading work. Start by shading only the left side of the cube as shown. The left side of the cube will be shaded in a light tone. I used a HB pencil for shading the left side.
Step 04: Shade only the left side of the cubes
Step 05:
Once all the left side of the cubes are shaded, complete the cubes by shading the right side, but this time with a darker tone. I used a 2B pencil for the darker tone.
Step 05: Shading the cube sides
Step 06:
Remove all the unnecessary pencil grid lines made in the earlier steps using an eraser. You can remove them before you begin shading the cubes. At this stage, for removing unnecessary pencil lines, you can take the help of an erasing shield.

Step 06: Erase the unnecessary pencil lines
The 3D Tessellation with cubes is now complete.
3D Tessellation with cubes - pencil shading
Let me know if the tutorial was helpful. 

Thankyou for visiting this page.


  1. Very helpful. Thank you so much.

    1. I am glad that you found the tutorial useful. Thank you

  2. soo coooooooooooooooooooool

    1. thank you. Keep looking out for more tutorials in future.

  3. This is awesome! I tried doing this before I saw your tutorial and it was a disaster, can't wait to try again. Thanks!!

    1. Thank you. Do share your work with us if you succeed in your attempt this time.

    2. this is crap

  4. 👍it was very easy to follow along great job

  5. Thank you i've been trying to find how to do this and this was very easy to follow. Very well done.

  6. this sucks its to hard

  7. the comments are bot text
