27 Mar 2017

Learn Watercolors: Some landscape paintings by our Students

“Let Nature be your teacher.” – William Wordsworth
Nature has always been a source of inspiration to the artists around the world. And when we talk about Art and Children, Nature has plenty to teach. Children learn better when they observe the nature around them. 

Out of the several exercises, we did during the water-coloring sessions was learning to paint landscapes. Children these days are less in contact with nature and more attached to electronics and the mechanized world. This makes it difficult for them to understand and appreciate the beauty of nature. Hence, the aim of Art Hours was to bring these children close to the nature in whatever small way possible. 

We concluded the spring break with these beautiful landscape paintings in watercolors by our students. Landscape paintings for children in this age group of 8 to 10 years, is not very easy to start with. It does require a little awareness of the techniques, a little patience and lots of practice. Below are some of the landscape paintings in watercolors attempted by our little students.

Sunset in Watercolors
Sunset in Watercolors
Sunset in Watercolors

A Farmhouse by the mountains
A Farmhouse by the mountains

A Farmhouse by the mountains

A Lighthouse in Watercolors

A Lighthouse in Watercolors

A Lighthouse in Watercolors

Art Hours looks forward to conducting more such sessions with children. We intend to bring out the best in children and are always there to guide them towards the path of excellence.

Keep visiting us and look out for more inspiration.

Have a nice day!

23 Mar 2017

Origami Dahlia Flower Tutorial

Learn to fold this easy origami Dahlia flower designed by Makoto Yamaguchi. It does not involve any complicated folds and even kids can try making them. However, this is not traditional origami and involves using 8 modular units.

Category: Modular Origami partially since it involves using glue.
Level: Easy

Materials required:
Square paper - 8 nos.
Glue to stick the units together.

Here, we have used 6cm square paper colored on both sides. If you use an origami paper, you can start by keeping the white side on the top.

Now follow the steps closely to understand how to fold the flower.

Step 01: Note the creases made along both the diagonals.

Step 02: Fold the top and bottom tips to meet the crease at the center.

Step 03: Now, fold the top and bottom edges to meet at the centre.

Step 04: Now fold the unit backwards along the centre line.

Step 05: Now fold the entire unit into half along the center to get a pair of petals as shown below. This makes one unit of the dahlia flower. Here, it is advisable to apply a little glue between the petals, to make it easier to assemble the entire flower.

Step 06: Make 8 such units. 
Note, in the picture below, glue has been applied to some of the units only since the picture was taken in the process of applying glue to the units.

Step 07: Add some glue to the sides of both the units and keep adding one unit after the other till you are done with all 8 units.

Done: The origami Dahlia flower is ready

The final size of the flower model is @ 9cm in diameter.

You can watch a quick snapshot of the Origami Dahlia flower uploaded on youtube below.

Post your comments below if you have tried making this one.

Thank you for visiting this post.

17 Mar 2017

Learn Watercolors - Crayon Resist with Water Colors

One of the water coloring activity we did this month was using watercolors with crayons. The exercise was to understand how crayons resist watercolors and how this property of crayons can be used as an advantage to make interesting compositions.

Art Hours
Crayon Resist with Water Colors

For checking if the crayons will resist watercolors, apply a thin wash of watercolors over a line drawn with crayon. After the paint dries, you will note that the watercolors will barely show on the top of crayon layer.

Testing for crayon resisting watercolors

This is an easy and interesting exercise for children since they love using both crayons and water colors. Below is the procedure on how you can also try this technique.

Materials required for this Exercise:
Paper, Crayons, Watercolors and Paint Brushes

The steps are simple and easy to follow. Draw a picture directly with crayons on the paper and then apply watercolors on the entire drawing. Below we made an underwater scene using crayons.
Step 01: Draw a picture with crayons 
Step 02: Paint with watercolors 
Done: An underwater scene using crayon resist with watercolors

Here's what our students at Art Hours have attempted using watercolors and crayons. 

A couple of examples below show an Underwater scene with Fishes created by the little students using crayon resist and watercolors.

Underwater scene using crayon resist with watercolors
Underwater scene using crayon resist with watercolors

In the paintings below, the students have traced their hands using crayons and have applied watercolors thereafter to depict a scene for the festival of Holi.

Colorful Hands of Holi using Crayon resist with Watercolors

Colorful Hands of Holi using Crayon resist with Watercolors

Colorful Hands of Holi using Crayon resist with Watercolors

Hope this small tutorial is helpful. Thank you for stopping by.

14 Mar 2017

Origami Poinsettias

This month we are doing a lot of water coloring exercises with our students at Art Hours. Although water coloring is immensely fun to work with, Origami is something I cannot keep myself apart from for a long time...so it was just a couple of days back when I was working with Origami Camellias and this week I gave a try to Origami Poinsettia flowers. They took a lot of time to make but the result was so beautiful that I made an Origami Mosaic with some more origami poinsettias. 

Poinsettias are actually known for its red and green foliage but are not flowers as you would have thought. The red part that you see are actually modified leaves. Well, I will not bore you with more facts. You can surely find more such details about the plant on the internet.

These origami poinsettias are based on the modular origami concept, wherein two separate units are made and assembled by inserting into pockets. No glue has been used for assembling it.

Below is the origami poinsettia made from two parts. The green leaves are made using 8" square and the red part is made from 6" square paper. The final size of the model is 10" x 10".

Poinsettia Red

I made some more poinsettias and assembled it without any glue again. The Origami Mosaic that you see below is made using 9 square sheets of paper. The outer four big leaves are made from 6" square and the inner five smaller units are made from 4" square papers.

Origami Mosaic with Poinsettias 

Origami Mosaic with Poinsettias 

Poinsettias are popular Christmas decorations and are used to decorate homes, Churches, and offices. I haven't seen the foliage for real but a quick search on the internet showed that the origami model is a good resemblance of the original flower. The above model that I made is a slight modification from the original design, which uses three modular units, while I have used only 2 modular units. I plan to use it for home decor.

For more details on the design of this origami model, you can visit artisbellus.com which has many diagrams for single sheet origami folding models.

Thankyou for visiting this blog.

12 Mar 2017

Happy Holi

We, Indians everywhere around the world, stand united when it comes to celebrations of festivals, be it Holi or Diwali. Holi, the festival of colors has its own significance and most of you would be aware of the story of Prahlad and Holika, wherein Holika bonfire signifies the victory of good over evil. But this is not why I am writing this post. I have been reading a lot of stories, coming from different parts of India and was very saddened, rather scared to hear about horrifying incidents that revolve around women. 

It was just last week when we celebrated Women's Day and then came incidents revolving on how women and girls are scared to step out of their homes during Holi, fearing harassment by the men in our society. Holi which is considered to be a festival to celebrate love and laughter, forget and forgiveness has turned into a nightmare for many women in our society. It is really sad to see our society in such a state. It is not that these incidents are new. In the past too, I have read, heard and personally witnessed many such horrifying incidents but have been silent... Silent because fear still grips my mind as does yours! 

We unite when it comes to celebrations but we run away and hide when such incidents happen. I urge and request the men to stand up against the atrocities towards women. You become involved in the crime itself when you silently witness it all. Stand united against the harassment perpetrated towards women in the name of religion or tradition. 

We hope and pray for a better tomorrow - a better day for every woman.

So here's wishing you all a Holi filled with colorful and sweet memories, that fills up your life with love and laughter. So enjoy the colors, enjoy the sweets and make your Holi a memorable one.

Wishing all you readers a very Happy Holi. 


8 Mar 2017

Musings on Women's Day

As always another Women's Day has arrived and my FBpage, WhatsApp Account, etc. were filled with warm wishes from women all around me. I was happy and proud at the same time thinking that the women around me, the women in my life are doing good. But are they really? 

Are they really in a better state than they were years ago? Are they in a better state than their mothers or grandmothers were...Has our society changed in general or are we the same? 

We dress up well, we have the degrees and jobs...but has the attitude of the men in our society changed? Have they started looking up at us with the same respect as they should? It makes me wonder and challenge the days we celebrate just for namesake. 

Being a woman involves lots of challenges, balancing work-life, kids, social life, parents, in-laws, and so much more. We strive to maintain our relations, striving to meet everyone's expectations and fulfill everyone's whims and wishes. But has anyone thought about what we want?

Have we women received the respect, care, and love that we truly deserve..think about it...Women's day or not...we deserve to be respected and loved every single day. 

Let us live freely, let us live without worrying that today I may make a mistake, today I may disappoint someone, let us live in peace. Give us our space, the same as we women give to you men. Give us equality, the same respect, and honor for the contributions that we make towards the society in general.

I think I can write on and on about this issue out here...but let's end it here on a positive note that we are proud to be women, today and always and nobody can take away this right from us. You are what you deserve to be, so celebrate today and every day the woman in you.

Wishing you all wonderful women out there a very Happy Women's Day. God Bless.

7 Mar 2017

Learn Watercolors - Painting Flowers

Watercolors is a lot of fun when you know the techniques, I mentioned that in my last post. However, all said and done, we need not only to learn them but also have to try and master them. A small exercise was given to our little students at Art Hours on learning to paint flowers. Here's a step by step guide on how we painted the flowers using only watercolors.
Painting Flowers - Watercolors

Materials required:
A pencil - to make the drawing
Brushes - One round brush about 1/2" thick will suffice, Flat Brush about 3/4"wide will be suffice for this exercise.
Clear Water
Paper - For practice purpose, any paper will do but in the long run, try and use a good quality paper that can absorb the watercolors better. Here we have used white printer paper.

The steps shown for painting the flowers with a background are just for guidance, and not thumb rules that you have to compulsorily follow. You can develop your own style once you get a hold of the techniques. This exercise is meant for beginners and learners and if you follow the steps, you will definitely get a fair idea on how to proceed with watercolors. Two techniques are demonstrated below, wet on wet and wet on dry.


Step 01:
Draw a flower shape. Start coloring from the center of the flower. Apply a light wash in the center. Here we have used yellow for the centre.
Step 01
Step 02:
For the area surrounding the center of the flower, apply orange color. Here you may use a smaller round brush tip to fill in the small areas.
Step 02

Step 03:
To start with the petals, load the round brush with a violet color and starting from the inner side go towards the outer side of the petals but not till the end. Try to keep the outer edges of the petal white at this stage.

Step 03

Step 04:
Complete the flower using just one shade at this stage. You may load your brush with more color if you feel your brush is getting dry.

Step 04
Step 05:
For this step no need to rinse your brush. Just dip the brush in a little water and quickly pull out the color from the darker violet till you cover the outer edge of the petals to get a light shade of violet. So effectively you have created the transparency effect and not used any extra color too. Note, at this stage, if the inner dark violet color has dried it will be difficult to pull out the color outwards from that area so you have to work quickly with your brush. You can also go one petal at a time. Here, the wet on wet technique works best, hence work quickly so that it is easy to blend the colors.

Step 05
Step 06:
Going back to the center of the flower. By now, the yellow color in the center would have dried. Take a round brush and load it with brown color - here there should be less water and more color and using just the tip of your brush apply it lightly on the center creating the pollen grain effect. 

Step 06
Step 07:
To focus on the background of the flower now. Load the round brush with green color and start from the areas adjoining the petals, leaving more color near the edges of the flower and pull out the color with water towards the outer side so that you blend the green color with the white of the paper. Note, here you can use a round brush to apply the color near the petals but as you go outwards you can use a flat brush to pull out and blend the color. This will make it easier to give a smoother finish.

Step 07

This is how it would look once you have applied color around the flower.  We are not done yet and the background is still incomplete. You can smoothen out the background using a flat brush at this stage.
Flower Painting - Wet on Wet 

Wet on wet is a little difficult technique to master and takes a lot of practice. You can view more details here on this link to understand how to use wet on wet technique to paint flowers using Water colors.

Now, moving on to the next technique. Most of my students are comfortable with wet on dry technique so let's proceed with the tutorial.


You can try this another technique - 'Wet on Dry' for painting more flowers. Here's how you would do it. Just draw some flowers on a sheet. We have used an A5 size sheet for practice purpose.

Draw some flowers on a paper

Now, apply a wash on all the petals using the same color with a round brush. Here, I have applied light pink wash and left it to dry.

Apply the first wash layer

Once, the first wash has dried, load your brush with different shades for one flower at a time and apply thin brush strokes from the inner side to the outer side. In the picture below, you will see I have used dark blue, violet and crimson red for the flowers. Also, note here we have used the wet on dry technique since we waited for the first layer to dry and then applied the wet layer.

Finish your painting with a background as mentioned in the previous technique. Start with a round brush loaded with the dark green color from the areas adjoining the sides of the petals and blend it outwards with a flat brush to merge with the white of the paper. 

Flower Painting - Dry on Wet  

In the picture below, you will see the different techniques used and each created a very similar effect if you notice the flowers only. For the green background of the flowers, different techniques were used, and we will talk about it in more detail in our later posts.

Water Coloring Flowers

So, there is no rule that you need to religiously follow, just experiment with your colors and explore the various techniques till you are comfortable with the one that gives you the effect you wish to have.

Here's a look at the work done by Art Hours' Students using the above two techniques.

Water Coloring Flowers 01
Water Coloring Flowers 02 
Water Coloring Flowers 03

Sometimes, you need to draw a rough sketch using a pencil while sometimes you can directly paint without any base drawing. As mentioned above, I had also posted a tutorial earlier, on painting flowers with watercolors. You can check out the link here which will give you more ideas if you wish to paint flowers with watercolors using different techniques. 

Hope the above tutorial is helpful. If you like this post and find it helpful, please share it with your friends and do leave in your comments that will help us improve.

Keep looking out for more on watercolors in the forthcoming posts.

Have a Flowery Day!
